[whimsical somber music]

[whimsical somber music]

Hello, world. It’s Sunday or something. Something about a rabbit or a lich in a cave. Regardless of what’s coming out of the cave, it’s sunny here in TinyTown. I successfully kept the naps at bay yesterday, and we also stayed up somewhat later than usual. As a result, I slept an extra 15 minutes. I kid, it was probably an extra half hour. I remember waking up early-ish, petting Pippin and checking the time. Sometime shortly after that, Chaucer knocked my phone to the floor. Without any hope of technological distraction, I attempted to sleep once more. It went ok.

For the most part, we just relaxed yesterday. Shawshank washed everything I’d sweat through on Friday. I didn’t even get dressed. He played some :Breath of The Wild: while I scrolled through TikTok and Reddit. Chaucer snuggled on me for most of the time. We started watching Midsomer Murders from the beginning. Most importantly, I didn’t nap. I really wanted to make sure I didn’t nap, and kept hydrated. I mostly succeeded.

Today, we’re expecting more of the same. Some chores, maybe some game stuff. We’ll cap it off with a visit to Shady Acres for Easter dinner.


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