TinyTown is blanketed in smoke this morning. “Keep an inhaler around”, Shawshank warned me yesterday, “Alberta’s still burning and there’s a smoke advisory”. I could smell it from bed: not a campfire or grill, but something more. And I’m pretty sure there was some dry thunder in the air as well, just to help ramp up the weirdness.
Shawshank was right to call it the Blood Moon. It’s damned weird looking this morning. I know the ominousness of the skies will probably improve as the day continues. The red tinge might improve, but the overall atmosphere of “who let my father handle the BBQ?” will probably remain.
I spent yesterday alone in Hyrule. I played for an hour before lunch, then another hour or two in the afternoon. There’s so much to explore. One of the only achievements I earned back in our World of Warcraft days was for exploring all of the world’s map. My favorite quests in Breath of The Wild were the ones where I was tasked with going out and taking pictures of shit. I love finding weird shit, hidden out of the way. I was fucking pissed when I spoiled things for myself and learned where something was when trying to figure out a shrine puzzle. Imagine my internal squeal of delight upon learning I needed to find and explore ~60 wells. Between the chasms and the wells, I’m in love.
That starting area can go fuck itself with a cactus, however.
Also, here’s my Avengers pants.

My afternoon TikTok streaming has absolutely sucked again. I guess my theory of covering up for the first few minutes was proven wrong, and my one good stream last week was a fluke. So much for the dopamine stream. I can’t seem to maintain a solid connection in the afternoons, and the video is terrible. My latest theory is that my phone is overheating. I saw a warning about it at one point late last week, so I know it’s an issue.
I’ve been fucking around with morning streams lately, just listening to music and putting on my makeup. Watching the current viewer count increase at about the same pace as the amount of makeup applied is amusing.
Today is probably going to be similar to yesterday. I’m going to do stuff. Makeup and shmoozing, here I come.