Oh, what a wonderful day. Does my sarcasm come through with my use of italics? Fuck, I hope so. Mind you, it’s been roughly two hours since my earlier post. I hear you ask, But Crystal, what could go wrong in two hours? Let’s go.
I had a doctor’s appointment. It went fine. I lost a pound since I last weighed myself, and that made me happy. What didn’t make me happy was having an appointment that was literally barely 5 minutes. I sat in the waiting room for longer than I sat in the exam room. I paid $5 to drive 20 minutes, spend 15 minutes in the office building, where my doctor listened to my heart and lungs and said my cholesterol level was awesome, and drive 20 minutes back home. Frustrating? Yes, but nothing earth-shatteringly bad. At least it was only $5.
On the way home, I dropped the car off at the garage. It was supposed to be fixed on Saturday. Unfortunately, the part they special ordered was not only incorrect, but shipped to them damaged. They ordered the correct part, directly from Subaru, which was supposed to be delivered today. Luckily, I happen to have today off, so having the car in the shop for the day doesn’t affect either of us and our work schedule.
But the wrong part was delivered.

The shop called and let me know what was up, and I’ll be walking to pick it up after lunch. They’ve got Subaru sending the part again, however, they don’t think it’ll be coming in today. This means another week before we can get it fixed, the next time I have a day off. He’s frustrated, understandably so. I’m frustrated because he’s frustrated; he’s saying we should get a discount. I disagree; it’s not the shop’s fault the wrong part was picked. Now I’m here at home, and I feel like he’s going to come home in an absolute snit over something that neither of us has any control over.
I agree to an extent on the part issue, however the dealer and the parts supply chain share responsibility for making certain that things are done right the first time. Damage in shipment aside, they are taking your time due to ineptitude somewhere which is causing you to have to fuck around when it shouldn’t have been that way, and compensation is in order for that mistake. We had a similar situation with a door part and the dealer was going to charge us twice to tear into the door frame just because they didn’t stock the correct part, plus having to schedule a second time. I bitched about that aspect of getting burned twice for something that was avoidable and they agreed.
Hope your deal with the repairs smooths out ASAP!
I guess my bitching made the universe take pity on me, because the shop just called and the correct part just arrived.
Sweet! That’s good Karma right there! Hopefully it’s in good shape too so you’re one and done, finally.
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