well it’s white alright

well it’s white alright

Merry Christmas, if it’s your thing; happy Sunday, if it’s not. As I predicted, we have a white Christmas, with about 8″ of snow falling overnight. The storm blew in overnight, dumped a load on us, and is on its way out as I type this.

I forced myself to take a nap yesterday. Two naps, actually, if we want to be technical. I curled up on the couch and slept while Shawshank watched the new Jack Ryan. I woke up an hour later and moved into the chair, catching another cat nap while he watched another show. As a result, I managed to stay up until almost midnight last night. I still woke up early, but it is what it is.

On the plus side, one of my gifts from Shawshank was a sleep mask. It has itty-bitty Bluetooth speakers built in.

We’re doing the family thing today. Right now, we’re watching some Hallmark movie because I couldn’t pirate White Christmas like usual this year. I’ll put some makeup on, fire up Duo, and chat with my mom this morning. We’ll head out this afternoon to visit his Gram, then do dinner at Shady Acres.


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