we don’t talk about the Teletubby dance

we don’t talk about the Teletubby dance

Good morning, folks. Happy Sunday, last day of the weekend, first day of the week. The sun isn’t even up yet, but the sky is clear for the first time in several days. We’ve had snow at some point every day for at least a week now. Not to the extent of Buffalo’s current depths, mind you, but enough to count. We might actually go above freezing temps today, according to the weather.

I was in a mood yesterday. Shawshank left for work, I ground up a nug for the next few days, then assumed a semi-human form. I put on a full face of makeup, and I put some energy out into the universe. The jury is still out on exactly what type of energy it was.

Then, I spent all day playing Subnautica. I’ve given up all pretense of actually playing over the last couple of days. I’ve wanted to show Shawshank cool shit, but he’s been at work, so I’ve paused the storyline a bit. Instead, I’ve been exploring a little more. Starting a new game puts your starting crash site in a random spot. This difference, while pretty minor, has changed the entire feel of the area. I have yet to find the spot where my first game started; I feel like the terrain is completely different in some places. There’s a major landmark right next to my life pod, and I don’t remember ever seeing it in my first saved game. After dinner, I gave Shawshank a tour of an island, and lost my mini-sub in the process.

We went to the town flea market, which was everything I expected. They had about 25 tables set up, and only about a quarter of them were pyramid schemes. Someone had puppies for sale. Another table had some gorgeous alpaca wares. They had fluffy alpaca plushes, which were fun to pet, but weren’t snuggly enough for my taste. Shawshank bought me a mason jar full of carrot pudding, which might be the closest thing to halwa I can get in TinyTown.

Today’s laundry day. Shawshank has stuff in the washer already. The only thing we have on the schedule is a trip to Shady Acres for dinner.


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