Wake Up.

Wake Up.

Right now, I want you to take a moment, and consider the various ways you can wake up. Alarm clocks, babies crying, phone calls. Perhaps your neighbor is of those assholes who likes to more their lawn early on your day off. Maybe you wake up Disney princess-style, flowers singing outside your window, birds that dress you, and woodland critters that make your bed.

Did your list include two cats puking at the same time, like some sort of nightmarish “Dueling Banjos”?

Mine certainly didn’t.

Yesterday sucked. It was one of those days where we didn’t have anything happening. Brian slept in the recliner for half the day after subjecting us to “Cowboys and Aliens“. I tried to read. I’m reading Piers Anthony’s “Source of Magic” and Howard Zinn’s “A People’s History of the United States“. Both books are terrible in their own ways, and I couldn’t focus on either of them.

Shawshank suggested going outside and spinning for a little while. I didn’t want to. It was hot and sunny and I didn’t feel like putting on sunscreen and then getting eaten alive by mosquitoes. I honestly didn’t want to do anything. I was worried about the cats. I’m worried I won’t be allowed through the border. At the same time, I’m worried I’ll be able to cross and I won’t stay, for whatever reason(s), and then what? I’m worried about the drive north, and the upcoming trip south for the holiday weekend. I’m fully expecting to spend that weekend with my godparents trying to convince me (again) to stay. Mostly though, I wanted to just not be out do anything. I barely had the willpower for existence.

I’m sure you can imagine how awesome I’m feeling after this morning’s puke-fest.

Today, we’re going out for a drive. Mom and I are going to Hobby Lobby and PetSmart. We have working gas stations again, and I was able to fill up the truck last week.

Enjoy your day. It’s bound to better than mine.


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