Waffle mix, music mix

Waffle mix, music mix

It’s fucking snowing again.  Unlike our last hit, we’re not getting the heavy winds.  However, the lack of wind means this isn’t our self-clearing snow, and we’ll probably see some accumulations today.  Not much, mind you.  Enough.

I made a point yesterday morning to do the un-fun shit before doing fun things.  My two tasks were simple:

  • Make a bunch of waffles
  • Pack the Etsy sale

The waffles went much faster than usual.  I didn’t have enough mix to make my usual double batch, and I didn’t feel like trying to make copycat pancake powder.  Regardless, I have plenty of waffles for the next few weekends.  On the other hand, the Etsy sale was more involved.  I had to hand sew the waistband to close up the spot where I slipped the elastic into its channel.  Finishing with a quick inspection, I folded them and put them in a Ziploc bag, and voila, they were ready for packing. 

After I’d finished my tasks, I played Just Dance for the rest of the morning.  I went with a mix of stuff I’m comfortable with, peppered with some stuff I’ve never seen before.  Some songs went better than others.  I played “A Whole New World” and managed to score 5⭐ on it.  Being cocky, I immediately tried to raise that to SUPERSTAR level, and scored abysmally low.  I broke my record and achieved a SUPERSTAR on “Don’t Cha”, however, which has been my main nemesis. 

At the end of the morning, I happily ended things, having achieved my goal of earning the title “OK BOOMER” on my profile.  My daily curated and replay playlists might be interesting for the next few days. 


Shawshank came home with my packing envelope, and my Etsy pants shipped out before the daily pickup.  I marked the pants as shipped and added the tracking number.  The rest of the night was pretty typical, capped off with burgers and fries for dinner.

I woke up this morning to an Etsy message from the buyer, sent at midnight in her local time zone, and a full 7 hours after I completed the order. Can I cancel the pants?

WTF.  No.

Today, I want to flow. 


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