Under and beneath the longest unzipping of my life

Under and beneath the longest unzipping of my life

Good morning, world. It’s Friday, and shit’s dark. Chaucer is in the litter box, scratching like crazy because that’s how he does things. Pippin is watching the morning commute of people leaving TinyTown. We have coffee.

Yesterday was essentially a repeat of Wednesday. I made a mini photo shoot, but wasn’t feeling it. My original plan was to be super efficient and take pics in multiple “outfits”. I picked out a couple of bits of fabric and tried to get my shit together, but kept having issues. One of my favorite pairs of fishnets ripped as I was pulling them up. My other nice pair is on their way out as well. I’ve been trying to come up with ways to include the flow arts in my content, and that was an utter bust yesterday. I finished the afternoon shoot with a bunch of lewds I didn’t feel like editing at all.

I recorded some poi and wand videos, and ran a brief spin time stream to record a bit more. The stream was empty, but that was fine with me. I did my thing. My post-dinner stream was busier, plus I got $4. I won’t turn down $4 thrown at me.

I played some more Divinity: Original Sin 2, and handled a couple of fun fights. At this point in the game, my goal is not only to finish, but keep my squirrl sidekick alive. One battle was very, very close, as there wasn’t much space for him to keep out of the way. My first action was to teleport him out of the pit. Unfortunately, he ran back in, and I lost sight of him. I teleported myself out in my next round with the idea he’d follow if he was alive, and hoped for the best. I fucking squealed when he ran out of a corner after the fight. He survived – barely – with only 6 hitpoints. I saved my game, happy he made it through.

Then he walked through a cloud of gas and it killed him instantly.

Tonight is Date Night. Shawshank has a full day at work, but he’ll be home in time for us to make it to the restaurant for dinner. I’m going to go shower, and be human.


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