Two little gray squirrels tear ass ’round the yard

Two little gray squirrels tear ass ’round the yard

Good morning, world. The sun is shining, and it feels like the humidity has finally broken for a bit. Mom is gambling on the weather again, and there’s a load of wash running already.

We attempted to go out for the ladies’ luncheon yesterday. Two other ladies had arrived just before we pulled into the lot and told us to stay in our car because they weren’t open. Brian’s mom questioned that because the place is a breakfast/lunch restaurant and should be open at 10:30am. Unfortunately, there was a sign on the door stating they had permanently closed up two days earlier. The luncheon was cancelled, and one of the organizers decided to stay and tell people what was up as they arrived.

Brian’s mom and their friend tried to brainstorm on where to go get lunch instead. They rallied behind Mexican. I suggested Chinese. Should we go to Pedro’s? they wondered. Casadores? The two in the front seats debated between several different places – all Mexican – before reluctantly asking for our opinions.

“Chinese buffet”, I said. “I don’t have to pick any of the shit I don’t like out of my food.”

They reluctantly went to the buffet.

On the way back to the house, we stopped at a new thrift store. I didn’t plan to buy anything. However, as it always happens when I’m in a shop that sells secondhand, stuff, something called to me.


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