twinkle toes I’m not

twinkle toes I’m not

Hello again. It’s already been a shitty Tuesday. I woke up just enough to see the sunrise, realized Shawshank was still in bed, and freaked out that he’d overslept. I was not, however, awake enough to remember he’s scheduled for the closing shift tonight. Fortunately, he was able to go back to sleep until the proper time. In my case, I did my morning drama scrolling.

I only got through nine songs during yesterday’s Just Dance session. I skipped the warm-up entirely, trusting in my “I’m too good for a warm-up mentality” to get me through shit. Instead, I jumped right into the replay-playlist. I’d say about half were newer choreos I’m still very bad at. I managed to squeak out a couple of new high scores.

Later in the afternoon, I spent an hour or two playing Skyrim. My most recent toon, Catnip, is level 50. I don’t know how many hours I have logged on her, but I fear our journey together is coming to its end. While I’ve never had problems, I’m well-acquainted with Skyrim‘s glitchy saves on well-loved characters. Loading times are slowing down, and I’m starting to see some graphical errors. I might just retire her.

Not that I need an excuse to restart Skyrim from the get go.


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