Hello, Tuesday. I’m up, with Pippin sitting on my chest as I type this. Chaucer is pacing. All of this combined is … just another Tuesday.
Tinytown spent yesterday digging itself out. Shawshank had an extra day off, since the highway didn’t open until after lunch. As a result, we stayed in comfy clothes all day. I messaged my Etsy buyer to warn her of the shipping delay. The post office never even opened.

Shawshank put on the original “Dune” and we killed the afternoon with it. While I love the costumes/hair/makeup, I find the movie ridiculously difficult to get into. I feel like there’s so many characters and so little background exposition. Every time I try to watch it, I feel like I’ve accidentally picked up the 5th book in a series and tried to start from there. Additionally, characters have so much inner monologue happening, just to add to my confusion. We had subtitles this time around, which was definitely a help for me.

Today, we’re back to business as usual. Shawshank went to work at the regular time this morning. While I wasn’t awake when his alarm went off, I felt him kiss me when he left. If the post office is open today, we can ship the package. I’m looking forward to burgers for dinner.