That cat is a traitor.

That cat is a traitor.

We’ve got a rainy day here. Yesterday’s clouds began rolling over us in the afternoon, and the heavy rains starting just before dinner. Brian was out of work early for some reason, and spent most of the afternoon sleeping in the recliner with Chaucer. Chaucer is sleeping in the recliner at the moment, he’s waiting for his BFF to come back to the house to give him treats and pets.

I spent the entire day playing Baldur’s Gate. Under normal circumstances, I would have mentally chastised myself for “wasting” a day on the Switch. With the shitty weather, it was easy to lose myself for 8 hours running around forests.

Today, however, we have stuff to do. Mom wants to buy some things before the coupons she has for them expire and go to a florist. I want to go to the smoke shop. Mom also has a doctor’s appointment later in the afternoon, and I’m not sure if we’ll do one trip out or two. I guess it would depend on what time we do the shopping.

I can’t go out and do any outdoor activities because the weather is forecast to suck all day. The sky might be brightening right now, but it’s going to get worse before it gets better. I probably won’t be able to do anything fun over the weekend because there’s always plans to food shop and go to the Compound for Sunday dinner. I should spend the weekend sketching some stuff, and maybe I can actually make some money off of some of this art shit. Instead, I’ll probably game some more and drool over the fans I want.

I should put some clothes on. I need to be human today, as much as I don’t want to.


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