time efficiency

time efficiency

Hey, y’all. Welcome to Tuesday, the not-quite-as-bad Monday. We’re looking at a hella rainy day, with thunderstorms passing through. I fully expect to be incredibly sore by the end of the day. My seating situation sucks.

We went out and hit up Hobby Lobby yesterday. The last storm system that moved through took out two of her whirligigs and replacements were needed. Aside from the trip out, I really did nothing. Knowing that I’d be cooped inside all day today, I went outside a little. I spent an hour making a completely unnecessary fourth terrarium before dinner.

After dinner, I spun poi for a little while. Unfortunately, I couldn’t get into a good flow. I was so disappointed, I went inside after about 30 minutes. Even though I recorded some video, I haven’t looked at it.

We have no plans for today, either. I may look through my collection of downloaded pictures and put down some line work for future paintings. While I haven’t been able to go outside and paint yet, I have a small pile of sketches ready for warmer, sunnier temps. Having more sketches is never a bad thing.

If you think about it, this is a matter of good time management. It’s simply more efficient for me to hot-box the bathroom and trace a shitload of stuff now, before the days and the temperatures get better for painting.


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