Greetings and salutations, people of the internet. It’s another sunny day, Shawshank has court, and BossRPh is leaving us. I bought some waterproof eyeliner just in case. DayTech and I are completely stoked with the choice of interim manager. I told NewTech who it was, and she’s happy as well. While it’s not really cool how the DM didn’t discuss anything with StressedRPh before making a decision, I think it goes to show that she wasn’t even in the running for a promotion.
I spent most of last night working on BossRPh’s farewell cake. I baked the second layer right after dinner, and started the filling while it was in the oven. As luck would have it, Shawshank called at the perfect time. I had just set the second layer out to cool and had brushed a sweet cream syrup over the first layer when my phone rang. By the time the call was over, the cake had mostly absorbed the syrup. I finished the filling, slapped that on, and plopped the second layer on top.

I hope, in my new life, or the next life, I have a kitchen that doesn’t look like a war zone when I’m done with a project.
I’ll finish assembling everything after my workout this morning.
With the weekend coming up, I’m mentally working on my to-do list and a shopping list. I don’t need meat or eggs this week, but I need to pick up some cleaning supplies and dairy stuff. There’s also going to be a quick jaunt “over the bridge” to bring things to my uncle. I’m bringing him a chair and at least three boxes, which will clear up a lot of space right now. It’s also a long weekend for me. BossRPh’s final gift to me was a 4-day weekend. I plan on spending a good portion of that time moving things out of cardboard boxes and into heavy contractor trash bags. Doing so would let me put things on the curb regardless of the weather.
Quarantine weekends aren’t much different than regular weekends for me. I had no life to start with.
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