This isn’t Florida

Good morning, and happy Wednesday. Greetings from the snowy Great White North. I don’t mean that in a “there’s snow on the ground” way, I mean it’s actively snowing right at this very moment. Shawshank went back to work this morning, but it’s only half the week. In the meantime, I’ve got the flat to myself and can write up something longer.

My flight up here was pretty uneventful, which was exactly what I wanted. Like I posted last week, the last flight of the trip was delayed a bit. My biggest worry was the trip through customs, which turned out to be absolutely nothing. I answered a handful of questions at a kiosk, which spat out a slip of paper that I brought to a guy in a booth. He looked at the slip of paper before sticking a little green dot on the front of my passport. I gave the slip of paper to someone in yet another booth, flashed my green dot at her, and was on my way into Canada. Contrary to what we had planned – a joint for me and late night chicken nuggets – we simply drove back to the house. Understandable, as it was already about 1:30 when we left the airport. We rolled into the house just before 4am, did the bedtime routine, and crashed.

Shawshank had bought me a couple of joints special for me, and that particular strain coupled with my overall anxiety put my inner voice into overdrive in absolutely scary ways. I have one joint left, and I’ll definitely finish it. With something other than my thoughts to occupy my attention, I think I might have better luck with it during the day.

I was incredibly awkward for a few days. I apologized profusely for acting as positively un-wifey as a person could be after a 20-year relationship.

Since he’s at work today, I’m home alone. I did the dishes and drank a pot of coffee. The rest of the day is going to be working on some crafty stuff.

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