They started playing Christmas music last week.

They started playing Christmas music last week.

It’s Monday again. No earthquakes this morning.

Yesterday was cleaning day. I hit up Home Depot after lunch and rented a carpet cleaner. Ernie explained how to use it, and suggested a detergent. Then he looked me over and tentatively asked if I could get it into my vehicle on my own. I hoisted it up. “Ok, I guess you’re good”, he said.

I had initially planned to shampoo both the living room and the Pink Room. In the end, however, I decided not to bother with the Pink Room. No amount of industrial equipment could possibly make that carpet look good. It took about 90 minutes to clean the living room. The carpet looks better than it did. Does it look new? Nope. But, it’s better. That’s what counts. I still didn’t clean out as much as I wanted to, so I do feel bad about that.

After I returned the rug cleaner, I picked up a couple of clasps on my way out of Home Depot. These were the finishing bits needed for my sleeping platform. I built it in two pieces, which I can clip together to keep things from shifting. The separate sides are about the size of low benches. There’s a lot of space under it for everything I need to bring. Since I’ll be going to Florida first, I won’t need to be in camping mode immediately, which means less room needs to be taken up with stuff like that.

Mom called just as I was making a hot cocoa and getting ready for my nightly video chat with Shawshank. I told her about the morning earthquake and she filled me in about my sister and the new baby and how she’s holding up in quarantine. We chatted about Thursday’s meeting with the agent. I told her how the agent explained she’s totally capable of handling things with one or both of us being long distance. Things are moving along.

Today, I’m pretty sure we’ll have the new guy as our pharmacist for the entire day. I think this might be his first Monday on his own, for an entire shift, which could be interesting. DayTech comes in for the afternoon, and I’ll be out early enough for dinner at a normal time. I want to tackle the upstairs bedrooms tonight before chatting with Shawshank.

1 Comment

  1. Ok hotshot, here’s the deal. I’ll take ALL the Christmas music. You take the weather from here! I think that’s a good deal! Don’t you? The feel like temp is -21c right now.

    Yes, the weather outside is frightful. But inside is so terribly lonely without you. Happy Monday, beautiful ❤️

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