the wingless space pixie of Pensacola

the wingless space pixie of Pensacola

Hello, world. It’s a new month, and a new week. The weather looks lovely this morning. I slept through the night, and only woke up just before the alarm. It might be a good day.

I had fun last night. I started early, and put on a shitload more makeup than usual. Since I couldn’t do anything with the jester shit, I put on a flowy skirt and called myself a pixie. There was a lot of glittery shit involved. I brought all the poi outside, a speaker, and a playlist full of tunes. By the time Brian came out around 8:15 pm, I’d been spinning for about 2 hours. I passed out candy to maybe 20 kids, 30 at the most. However, it felt wonderful to be outside and fucking moving again, even if I did feel a little ridiculous out there. Highlights of the night include:

  • little girl, maybe 4, told me how awesome my poi are and how pretty they look while I gave her group candy, and said “I could do that EASY!” as they walked away
  • another little girl, only slightly older, shouting “DAMN, she’s awesome!”
  • the group of about 8 adults escorting just 2 kids around the neighborhood, who all stopped, watched, and cheered like mad because they happened to catch me getting really into shit to Knife Party’s Centipede
  • one little girl shrieking “MOM OH MY GOD IT’S A FAIRY MOM LOOK AT THE FAIRY”
  • best quote: “I like your laser beams”

I expect that by the end of today, my arms and shoulders will be screaming at me.

Brian didn’t want to drive to Mississippi for work today. I heard him come back from work around the same time I woke up. Chaucer slinked off the bed to beg him for snacks. He says if they don’t switch him to another location, he’ll spend the day cleaning the house in prep for Mom‘s return.

I’ll become slightly human today, I think.


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