The Tango Chlorine

The Tango Chlorine

Happy Monday, darlings. The sun is out… somewhere. Not here. It’s yet another Florida morning. I’m hoping it clears up a little so I can work out. 🌅

We thought we’d get to play in the pool yesterday. Unfortunately, the skies clouded over after lunch. It rained a little while we were at the compound – nothing but sprinkles.

The skies opened up on the way back to Mom‘s house. We had downpours for a few hours, but it stopped long enough for the neighborhood to set off some fireworks. Mom and I stood on the front patio and watched the show.

Brian has today off because of the holiday. He’s hoping the weather clears up enough so we can go back to his parents’ house- and the pool. He also said something about adjusting or replacing the blade on the mower and doing the front yard. I doubt either event will actually come to fruition.

And that’s today’s morning bitchfest. It’s not much different than any other morning, to be honest.


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