The Saga is Complete

The Saga is Complete

Good morning, my friends. It’s a little cloudy for the moment, but it’s supposed to be a fucking beautiful day.

Yesterday, I did pretty much everything I planned to do. As expected, the trip to the post office was uneventful. One of my oldest internet friends, from the earliest days of Livejournal, will have some birthday treats next week. The weekly shopping went quickly, and much more smoothly than last week’s clusterfuck. It was a little more expensive than I anticipated, but that’s because I took the chance to buy chicken and toilet paper while they had it. I did the dishes, some more cleaning in the Pink Room, added some books to the Blind Date Book Box, and practiced with my poi for the rest of the afternoon.

I don’t have too much to day today. Normally, I’d do a workout. I think I must have been spinning poi for about four hours yesterday. As a result, my legs and shoulders are completely blitzed this morning. Managing the stairs to do the laundry is difficult enough, an afternoon of weights wouldn’t be safe. Instead, I’ll take pictures of the remaining ponies and Lego and try to empty some of the remaining shelves. The Great Sort must continue.

Shawshank called last night, at his regular time. “GUESS WHAT I GOT!” he said after we said our hellos.

“I don’t know,” I replied. “What did you get?”

Eclipse finally came in the library cart!”



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