The house is implied

The house is implied

Happy Saturday, world. The cats are already chasing each other around the house. I hope this bodes well for the rest of the day, with Mal actually being active and not isolating himself in my bedroom. Mom‘s trying very hard to earn his trust so she can give him loves when I’m away, so she’s talking to him all the time.

“What a handsome boy you are”, she tells him. “So brave”.

I know she’s worried he’ll get sick while I’m away. Honestly, I have the same fear. I’ve resigned myself to the knowledge that they’ll be lucky to make the trip up north.

Yesterday was nice enough to paint outside, so I spent a couple of hours in the sun. I made some progress on one of the Christmas presents, and started a second (but less pressing) gift. I expect I’ll finish them both before my trip. However, there’s always going to be fears like that when I’m on a deadline.

Brian had already left the house when I finally dragged my fat ass out of bed this morning. He’s off to get an oil change. Once he gets back home, we’ll commence with the sitting around for a couple of hours before Mom will feel good enough to go grocery shopping. Aside from the groceries, I don’t believe there’s any real chores we need to do. I should probably put my clean laundry away, otherwise I won’t have a laundry basket.

Well, my peeps, enjoy your weekend. I’m going to get some clothes on and start my day.


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