the deep end

Good day, gentle readers. Happy Wednesday. The skies are clear and the forecast calls for heat and humidity. Unfortunately, the day started off on the wrong foot, because I was up early once again. I was fully awake at 5:01am, so I turned off my music and tried to go back to sleep. Shortly thereafter, I woke up again because Chaucer was getting sick. I ignored him, because cleaning it meant getting up and I had no pants on. He returned to bed after a couple of minutes, and I tried to find sleep again.

Yesterday, I managed to do the shit I planned to do. My clothes are clean, and I measured things in the truck. Even better, I was able to actually throw out a box. However, I haven’t actually put the clothes away. That would be too adult of me. In between stuff, Mom and I watched some Netflix.

A little thalassophobia is good for a person, isn’t that what they say?

Eventually, I grabbed the Switch and Subnautica and swam around for a while. Honestly, I’m terrible at that game. I know the whole point is surviving, and avoiding the things that hurt me. But, deep in the cockles of my heart – maybe in the sub-cockles – I am an absolute chickenshit. I don’t want to swim around when I can tool around in my sea-moth mini-sub and hit fish.

30 seconds of panic

Additionally, I wanted a weapon, which needs two pieces of rock that are only found below 200m. MOTHRA I can’t reach the rocks without upgrades and I didn’t want to swim around unprotected. Upgrading the sea-moth required a shitload of swimming around to find all the upgrade blueprints.

It was a whole thing. Eventually, I found all the parts needed to upgrade MOTHRA 1. I can go to 300m now, and the first thing I did was collect the rocks for the rifle. Then, because I got cocky and didn’t really know what I was doing, I was killed by a jellyfish.

And now I have to swim back to MOTHRA I, 250m down and frozen in space, in a fucking cave.

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