tangy cat

tangy cat

Morning, y’all. Everything is melting, and the town is entering a new phase: the season of mud. The temperature was above freezing all day, and a lot of melting happened. I’d say most of the snow is gone at this point. The ground is spongy, but I’ve still been happily running outside to step on the (dry) ground in my bare feet when I go out for a puff.

However, Shawshank‘s photos and blog posts from the last two years up here betray a lurking threat: one more snow. We’ve had one snow since the crows came back. Theoretically, we should be expecting two more.

Today is Chaucer‘s birthday. The old man is 16 today. He’s sitting in a sunbeam, soaking up some morning warmth. Some time in the next hour, he and Pippin will probably start chasing each other around. He’s feeling tangy today.

We enjoyed yesterday off, without the need to go anywhere. Shawshank made us brunch, and I stuffed my face with waffles and bacon. We swapped turns on Breath of The Wild again. At one point in the afternoon, I put on clothes and did an hour-long live stream on TikTok while he played. It wasn’t as good as usual. I tried to stay out of Shawshank‘s field of vision and couldn’t move around as much as I like to.

He’s back to work today. My plan is to become human and record a custom video before lunch. I need to record a video dick rating for a very average dick, so that’s a thing. Also, I recently got it into my head I wanted to curl my hair, so at some point today I’ll make some rag curlers. After lunch, I’ll probably load up a live stream. This will really be the first test of whether or not TikTok gets me any spicy subscribers. Until now, the only spicy link was a free one.

Of course, neither link really gives them anything for free.


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