Take off that ridiculous hat and pin.  You’re not fucking Irish unless you were born there, Keith.

Take off that ridiculous hat and pin. You’re not fucking Irish unless you were born there, Keith.

It’s fucking Friday, y’all. We’ve hit the weekend. Huzzah.

Yesterday was another day where I felt like I was sort of normal. I showered, I dressed and all that. Real clothes. I WORE REAL CLOTHES. I played a bit of Breath of The Wild just before lunch, and a little bit after. Mostly, I spun my poi in the living room.

As you can see, there’s not a lot of space. I’m limited to the area directly between the TV and the couch. I slide the pirate chest in one direction, the cats’ pouf in another, and hope I don’t break anything in between with my flailing. I fired up a free stream on Onlyfans, killed it after about 20 minutes, and started one on Tiktok instead. This was the first time going live on TikTok, and I didn’t enable comments because I fucking hate talking to people.

No one watched either stream.

I made us a delicious chicken and waffle dinner last night. We had leftover waffles from brunch, and some crispy chicken from the freezer. I made us a spicy chili-maple sauce, and some tater tots. Shawshank spent much of the evening playing Breath of The Wild and watching old episodes of CSI while I edited some poi videos on TikTok.

Aside from the dinner, today will pretty much be identical to yesterday. I’m going to assume a human form and manifest some creative juices once more. Tonight is our regular date night. We’ll be heading out to the diner for my regular. Shawshank‘s feuding with the cook. She mentioned him ordering the same dinner every week to his parents, and now he’s making a point to be different.

Fuck that noise. I don’t care if it’s the same order, I will eat that mushroom and mozzarella burger every fucking Friday.


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