Good afternoon, y’all. We I survived the yard sale. It was whirlwind morning of getting myself presentable, then hauling everything outside. That rack held 31 pairs of pants. I counted. It was precariously filled. While I handled merchandising, Shawshank went over to Shady Acres to pick up his mom and her stuff.

Most of what they brought over was boxes of things you can barely give away these days- boxes and totes of craft patterns, old dishware, and a bunch of kitchen stuff. No one wants teacups and saucers or old picture frames. At the end of the day, they tossed a bunch in the trash. The entryway of the secondhand shop is filled with old glasses and coffee mugs and frames, all for free because they have way more donations than they’ll ever sell.
We had a couple of people show up a little early, and a threatening cloud overhead for a while. I spun poi for a little while, but quickly decided I’d much rather sit quietly than have to explain flow arts to old people.
And then it was done.
Overall, it went ok. According to Shawshank, we made our money back and then some. I think I managed to sell 3-4 pairs of pants. Then I spent $5 on an original My Little Pony my neighbor’s granddaughter was selling.
We’re taking it easy for the rest of the day. I filled the front closet with my pants. Shawshank put a mindless movie on the TV. We don’t need to leave until tomorrow night.