supervising robots and slothing it up

supervising robots and slothing it up

Happy Tuesday, y’all. It’s a sunny but cool (to me) morning, and the coffee is coming. I’ve been awake for an hour or two now. I mostly laid in bed and pretended to sleep.

We sloth-ed it up yesterday. After brunch, Shawshank brought mail to Shady Acres and returned with a treat for me: a hard-to-get diet Cherry Pepsi. I shunned my human form and didn’t get dressed at all, choosing instead to slum about in leggings and sweatshirt. It was comfy. Other than that, we didn’t fucking move.

I’m not certain what all I’m doing today. The vacuum will do its thing this morning. I’ll do my thing after because I feel like I need to supervise a fucking robot. Depending on my ambition levels, I’ll take some in-house photos of the most recently finished pants for Etsy. Yesterday, I remembered another pair of pants that I wanted to modify at least a month ago, so I should probably take them out of the closet this week. Shawshank is working today, but we’re not sure how late he’ll be there today. If he gets out early enough, we’ll go up to the secondhand store. I’m in the market for a fabric to use as a contrast to some vintage floral I’ve been working with, but it’s not super important.

It’s life.


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