sunshine and balls in socks

sunshine and balls in socks

Happy Saturday, people. We made it through the night without any cat purging. We’ve got some sunny skies, and Mom must be optimistic about the day’s overall weather because there’s a load of Brian’s work clothes in the wash. The Roomba is on the loose. Chaucer, given up on trying to lure Knickknack into a game of tag, is dancing around the vacuum, trying to entice it into playing with him.

I forced myself to play outside yesterday. Knowing that if I sat down with the paints I wouldn’t move, I started with some poi. I’m happy to say there were no fire ant-related incidents to report. I worked on a couple of moves I’ve been trying to work into combos. However, I really need to practice them on their own a bit more, as they’re very sloppy right now.

I also worked on a painting. Sometimes, the best self-care is getting a good buzz and doing something mindless. For me, that’s painting bricks. So I painted bricks.

Today is grocery day. We’ve got a couple of hours before we leave, because we can’t go until the second load of wash is hanging on the line. I’ve got plenty of time to get dressed, finish a coffee, and become a human. Oh joy.


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