Sunday Mornin’ Comin’ Down

Sunday Mornin’ Comin’ Down

Good morning, my friends 馃尀

It’s been a decent weekend, for the most part. We hit up the big Indian grocery, where we picked up some cheap spices for a vindaloo, some instant chai, as well as some snacks in the form of burfee and puris and fruits. One stop at the pet store for the special cat food, another stop at Walmart for a mop and some jars for the spices. There were visits to two different Savers, because I love other people’s junk, and we picked up a reproduction of the original Fanny Farmer cookbook, and a few pans.

Once back at home, we did nothing. There was an envelope in the mailbox, from the state court system, letting him know he had to be at court in November. A quick look at the case info online shows the September meeting is “disposed”. From what I can figure out, it looks like the original case was transferred to a different court system in the state, giving it a new case number, new meetings, and a possible trial in January. Ugh.

Well, at least I was able to get some sleep for one or two nights, right?

Today, we’re doing the rest of the weekly shopping, and a lot of housework. I don’t think I need to explain how thrilling this is.


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