Hello, world. Happy Saturday, grab a coffee. The sun is out, the sky is sorta clear, and best of all, the outdoor temps seem to be above freezing. I brought in a plant clipping this morning, before it could be completely defeated by overnight frosts.

Yesterday was one of those lazily productive work days. Shawshank let me know his boss wanted me to call her in the afternoon. She had some ideas for the shop’s website, and wanted to know if they were possible to implement. I explained they’re all technically possible – it’s a matter of whether or not I can actually figure out how to do it. I can’t actually do stuff until she gets me some of the graphics and videos. On the other hand, I figured out a resolution to one of her problems hours after our call.
With the phone call completed, I spent the rest of the afternoon on Tiktok. I set up a stream and relentlessly teased foot fetishists by having the unmitigated gall to play Skyrim barefoot on the couch.

Almost barefoot, anyway. I was wearing legwarmers that partially covered those sweet, sweet soles.
Amusingly, I definitely bring in waaaay more viewers doing absolutely fuck-all than I do with the stupid human tricks. Sex sells, even if it’s not obvious. I definitely need to be more social in the very early stages. I didn’t start seeing tips until the last hour or so. Unfortunately, it takes a little bit of time for me to warm up and be social.
We’re leaving the house today. Shawshank has the weekend off. We’ll make the drive out to Slightly BiggerTown to make the rounds, buying enough to last us another couple of weeks. I’m sure we’ll spend the rest of the day lazing about the living room.