Step, kick, kick, leap, kick, touch… Again!

Step, kick, kick, leap, kick, touch… Again!

Good morning, y’all. I’m up; it was a shitty sleep and I’ve been up since around 4am. Not cool, Brain. Not cool. I woke up at some point and just couldn’t get comfortable. Currently, both kitties are sleeping, and I’m willing the coffee to kick in. There’s sunshine for the moment, but if I open a door to enjoy it, I’ll summon a tiny demon.

I spent yesterday morning playing in the sunshine. Once I’d finished yesterday’s post, I opened both the front and back doors for the cats. Everyone was happy. I listened to the original 1975 release of “A Chorus Line” and assumed my human form. I played Just Dance for about 40 minutes; the game needs an injection of Broadway. When I was finished dancing, I messed with some of the playlists.

I was outside in the sunshine before I even had lunch.


happy equinox y’all. we’ve got a sunny afternoon here and I’m loving everything except the guy mowing the lawn when I want to play outside. O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay! she chortled in her joy. #flowarts

♬ Elevated – Launchpad Infinity

I spent a couple of hours outside, enjoying some spin time with both the poi and the leviwand. It was an awesome day for it, with barely any clouds or wind. I knew if I didn’t get into the sun, I would be miserable, and I would have totally beat myself up for staying in. It was lovely. I charged the toys in case I wanted to go out after dark, but opted to go to bed with Shawshank anyway.

I probably should have stayed up, maybe it would have been a better sleep.


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