
Morning, y’all. Happy Sunday. And indeed, what a sun day it is this morning, what with the clear skies and that giant ball of superheated gas overhead. I’m already feeling a bit warm, meaning today will be one of those days where I spend most of it in skivvies. Shawshank has put the first load of wash in. The cats are doing cat things, and I’m enjoying some coffee.

Yesterday was nice enough for some outdoor spin time. I spent a bunch of time on the patio and walkway with my balls in my hand. Not only did I enjoy being outside, but I got to use the niiiiiice poi, the ones expressly forbidden from indoor use. My shoulders protested. I’m ignoring them.

I went outside for a while in the afternoon, after Shawshank came home from work. Later, I spun some more while we waited for the grad parade to make its way past our house. Since we’d met Shawshank‘s parents and they paid for our dinner on Friday, we went out for dinner at the other town restaurant last night. They have a much bigger dining room, but they’re always empty when we go in there. We were the only people there when we arrived. By the time we finished, two old men had showed up for their dinner.

We played a bit of Tears of The Kingdom after dinner. I played long enough for the sun to go down, then went outside to spin in the dark until it was time for a snack. Shawshank was considerate enough to leave Gigantor – what I call the 16″ glass bong he bought as a birthday gift – outside, on the back stairs. I partook. No longer able to spin, I went inside and left the planet for much of the rest of the evening.

Shawshank has chores happening. We’re going to Shady Acres a little early today so he can mow their yard. I’ll put clothes on and assume some sort of human form.

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