Soooo…. Sunday?

Soooo…. Sunday?

Happy fucking Sunday. I had a fairly uneventful sleep, going to bed a little annoyed because my pirated stream of Euphoria cut out 10 minutes in the season 1 finale. I’ve moved on from my prior bedtime routine of terrarium and diorama builds and guided sleep meditations. The guided meditations have been replaced by the Skyrim soundtrack. That game is my happy place, and I haven’t had any nightmares in the last week.

The weather looks like it should be sunny for the day. There’s a load of laundry going, and I have a coffee. Chaucer is following Brian around the kitchen, hoping for a snack. So, all systems normal.

Mom is worried about the weather for the week and wants to have as much washed before we leave town on Friday. I sorted my basket into three piles:

  1. wash now
  2. wash next
  3. wash… eventually

Obviously, the first batch is in the washer at the moment. It’s mostly heavier things that will take the whole day to dry on the line. The second pile is undies and shirts, and that will probably go in another wash today, or I’ll do it later this week when the weather forecast is a little more solid. Anything in the third pile will probably end up in next week’s piles.

I’m a fucking scrub. I’ve stopped caring.

We went out grocery shopping, where I stuck to my list and didn’t buy anything extra. I mostly sat around and played Baldur’s Gate yesterday afternoon. I think there’s more of that in store for me today.


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