Good morning on this rainy Tuesday. And I mean rain. Actual rain, not the bullshit drizzlespits we’ve been seeing all week.
We enjoyed our slothy brunch day. I assumed a human form while Shawshank cooked up our feast. As planned, we didn’t leave the couch. He told me to set up the tripod and fire up a TikTok Live. I played Skyrim all afternoon while he kept an eye on my stream’s chatroom. He joked about buying me a gaming chair.

The foot guys were back. Someone watched for four hours. Shawshank got to laugh at the desperation of the guys and my giving them shit for it. I took in $3ish. It’s not much, but it was a little more than what got in the last stream.
At the end of the day, we stuffed ourselves with poutine and chicken nuggets and watched Antiques Roadshow.
Shawshank is working today, and I plan to assume a human form and do stuff. I haven’t decided what I’ll do, but I’ll figure it out.