Snuggly Cats and Sloths

Snuggly Cats and Sloths

The sunshine is gone. Nothing lasts forever, even TinyTown sunny days. Yesterday’s morning sunlight never reached its peak potential and the skies eventually clouded over entirely. For a time, we couldn’t tell if we were seeing clouds or smoke, as both are problems lately. Later, we looked out the windows in the afternoon and remarked to each other, “gonna rain”; however, it never really rained. A sprinkle here, maybe a light shower to wet the back steps, but nothing much.

We enjoyed a majorly lazy Sloth Day. While I claimed I would get dressed and possibly even achieve a human form, I did neither. I didn’t even put underthings on. To my utter shock, Shawshank announced he wanted to give Skyrim another try. I had absolutely no problem with watching him do so all morning. I prepped a fitted sheet for some pants, but stopped when he got the game updated and running. Since I’ve been through the beginning a few times, I took over for the very early “escape”, as the controls are a bit wonky in first person POV. Aside from those 15 minutes or so, he did everything, with me making suggestions along the way. He killed a dragon and got himself to level 5 before we switched places.

At that point, he handed me the controller and told me to do the opposite of whatever I normally do with my toons. “Be mean to people, don’t choose the neutral replies”, he suggested. Within an hour I was off the executioner’s chopping block and back to my old tricks, sneaking through Bleakfalls Barrow, bow in hand, taking out enemies from afar. I’ve barely made it to civilization, I haven’t had a chance to choose the mean replies yet.

I’m going to become human today, I promise. Shawshank is working for at least the first part of the day. We’ll see what the afternoon has in store for us.


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