snappy crappy crackers

snappy crappy crackers

Happy Sunday, my friends. The sun is shining, the weather’s ok. Brian said the new coffee k-cups I bought are like Starbucks coffee. Mom started a load of laundry.

Birthday party #2 went off without a hitch yesterday. The amount of food was ABSOLUTELY INSANE.

The conversation was pretty typical for a party full of old people. It included a discussion about the decline in quality of Ritz crackers. Apparently they are both a) not “snappy” enough, and b) snap too easily when attempting to scoop up dip.

Unfortunately, I felt like absolute shit every time I tried to eat anything. All morning, I was hungry. However, I specifically didn’t have anything more than a light snack before we went to the party. I knew there was going to be a shitload of food to eat. But as soon as I tried to actually eat? Not happening.

To make up for the disappointment of not being able to stuff my face, the new Chromebook was waiting when we got back. So far, it’s a nice little machine. I plan to spend some time this morning testing out some sketchpad apps to find out what works best for me.

But first, coffee, and assuming a human form. We’ll be doing the weekly shopping. Yay.

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