small cups

Greetings and salutations, bitches. Friday is finally here, although with a similar start as yesterday. The skies are gray and chillier than we’ve seen lately. Chaucer found and settled into a snuggle spot to stay cozy. The coffee is flowing. I’m wearing leggings instead of the genie pants, and Shawshank commented he could see the shape of my legs.


I sewed a bunch yesterday. I found an extra pillowcase in the fabric stash, so I was able to test out the pattern Shawshank printed for me. It turned out exactly how it looked in the pictures, which was great. It was slightly more complicated than it needed to be because the material was patterned and I needed chose to worry about its directionality in the lining. I like the basic style, but I need to modify the pattern to make it slightly bigger. As it is, the wearer can’t have much of a bust at all otherwise the shirt can’t handle things properly. The cups might runneth over (and under, and out).

Since I didn’t feel like making a second, too small shirt out of the remaining white duvet fabric, I opted to make a second pair of white genie pants. I adjusted the length slightly, so they’re not quite as long and billowy as the first pair I made. I haven’t decided if I like them enough to keep a pair of white ones for myself. At the same time, I haven’t “seen” them on me. We don’t have a full-length mirror, and I haven’t propped up a phone to check myself out. When I finished, I started the Harry Potter pants. They’re nearly finished. The only thing left to do is install the elastic and tidy everything up.

And iron all of them.

And take pictures.

Then set up listings.

At least I can use robot-power to write the listings’ descriptions.

Today is Friday, and date night. Shawshank‘s gotta make it through today’s shift, and a short shift tomorrow, before he can relax. I’ll work crossing shit off my list of tasks so I can be a productive adult.


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