

Oh look, it’s another fucking Monday. I’ve been up for a little while, but not too long. The rain seems to have stopped; Shawshank claims we’ll have sunshine this afternoon. The sun is up, but there’s a superfog out there right now. Everything is soggy.

I spent yesterday morning in Skyrim. I went to the Dark Brotherhood’s hideout for my first contracts and a Deadpool costume, then solved Windhelm’s Butcher problem without encountering any of the quest’s typical bugs. Along the way, I picked up a few more quests and found some new points of travel on the map. Oh, and I killed another couple of dragons.

Shawshank played more Tears of The Kingdom. Neither of us made any progress on our games’ main story lines.

Today is brunch day. I’m having waffles and bacon. We’ll spend the rest of the day rotting on the couch.


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