slap some wet on that paper

slap some wet on that paper

It’s morning again. This shit keeps happening. Every night, I go to bed. And every morning, ugh. Morning.

We did everything we needed to do yesterday, except return the sandals. Mom laughed when I wanted to buy a fluorescent pink unitard from the clearance rack. I ended up putting it back because I know damned well that’s a fucking waste of $7.

Aside from shopping, I didn’t do much. I worked on a few test projects, and played Witcher 3. It was a good waste of the afternoon.

I’m not sure if we’re going out today. The weather is supposed to be super nice. Mom wants to clean a bit of the yard, but that won’t take long at all. I’ve got three sketches ready for paints. Well, two are ready. One is mostly ready, I only need to put in some details. I bought a new shirt yesterday, and I expect to spend today outside, soaking up some sunshine in my short shorts. Whether that’s going to involve poi, painting, or anything else, is still very undetermined.

In contrast, Shawshank‘s got a road trip with his boss and coworker this morning. And he’s wearing a toque and heavy sweater.

Happy Tuesday, friends.

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