Skating By

Skating By

Hey y’all. Happy Thursday. All the usual stuff happening over here. Cat in the lap, something hot in a mug, front door is open, somebody puked. It’s supposed to be pretty cloudy today, which means it’s pretty depressing outside. I miss sunshine. I shouldn’t complain. Shawshank‘s under severe weather warnings and could ice skate to work. According to him, TinyTown doesn’t believe in road treatments.

Our agent let me know the handrails wouldn’t be done yesterday. I was shocked. Shocked, I say. Naturally, they’ll be here in the morning, for optimal inconvenience (ie. screwing up my workout schedule). I told Shawshank I might drag the weights downstairs and workout while they fix the rails. Honestly, I haven’t decided what I’ll do. If they work outside, I’d be fine with not paying much attention. However, they’re doing some work in the basement stairway. I want to be able to hear what’s happening in there.

The appraisal is tomorrow. The agent will be here to walk through. I have to leave for 10 minutes, as the appraiser wants no contact with homeowners. Hopefully, we’ll know on Tuesday whether things will move forward.

I’m moving forward regardless.


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