shit’s damp yo

shit’s damp yo

Happy Tuesday, y’all. It’s morning. TinyTown is moist. The rain came in last night, but the clouds still remain. I think we’re looking at some wind and a bit more clouds. Chaucer is waiting for Shawshank to come back to the couch. Shawshank denied him a spot on the lap.

The remaining bits of Shawshank‘s birthday gifts came in yesterday’s mail. I wrapped all his stuff, then let him destroy all my work. In addition to his gifts, I ordered a few more bits of premade locs, as well as a couple of bags of hair so I can make my own. I watched another tutorial last night that showed a much easier/faster method of locking them myself, and I think that will be my project for the week.

One of my other projects for this week is clearing out closets and bookcases. The town-wide yard sale is happening in a couple of weeks, and we’re offloading some shit. Our available space is bigger than Shady Acres, so we’ll be hauling their things to our house. Shawshank‘s mom let him know she had a clothing rack and a bunch of hangers, so I’m selling a rack of my pants. I need to close up the elastic channels and toss them all in the dryer to get rid of some wrinkles.


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