she’s a brick…. hooouuuuuse.

she’s a brick…. hooouuuuuse.

Happy Tuesday. I’d like to go to Antarctica. Just saying.

I left the house yesterday. It was only to the smoke shop and Wendy’s. Regardless of trip length, it was enough to get me out of the house and switch my mood for the better for a little while. I walked into the shop and one of the girls immediately is super chatty with me. She asked if I was back from vacation early, and wished me a safe trip to the middle of nowhere next month when I told her it was next month. If she remembers I’m going on vacation, then she remembers our conversation about potential job openings. I picked up my usual stuff, and grabbed a 5-pack of gummies for the flight. I’m 9 reward points away from getting a free ounce of herb.

I went outside with a fresh palette of paints and it was a nice afternoon to get some work done. I’m almost finished with the two Christmas presents. Things are coming along, and one of them is nearly finished. I eventually went back inside. I hadn’t been in the best place mentally/emotionally when I started the day, and an afternoon of Taylor Swift’s new album didn’t help AT ALL. There’s just too much happening inside right now.

I don’t think we’re doing anything today. I’ll bring the paints outside for a little while, just like yesterday afternoon. Don’t worry, I’ll try to choose my musical accompaniment more wisely than yesterday.


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