It’s finally here. HAPPY FUCKING FRIDAY. The weather has finally cleared up, and this morning is bright and sunny. My body tried to self-destruct at approximately midnight. Aside from that, it wasn’t a bad night. I woke up just before 6am and enjoyed the early morning kitty snuggles.
Yesterday was pretty cloudy, but with enough breaks in the skies to convince ourselves it was partly sunny. Things felt cooler in the morning, and we kept the doors closed for the first part of the day. Shawshank went to work, and I played Just Dance. Dancing wasn’t bad, but the humidity had crept in and made it too miserable to keep it up for long. I was moistened. By that point, the weather had changed. It was that weird, in-between temp where I would’ve been too cold if I opened the door while I danced. I spent much of the afternoon editing my last batch of photos.
The clouds had definitely taken over by dinner time. The thunder started while I was streaming. Pippin hid in a closet. On the other hand, Chaucer remained a perfectly formed catloaf and blinked. I opened the front door so I could get the full effect of whatever storm showed up.
Yes, I understand how that last sentence makes me sound. I would absolutely be the person outside taking pics of the approaching tornado.

But today is sunny. I don’t know what the rest of the day’s forecast is, but it doesn’t matter. I’m not leaving the house for a week.