

We had a helluva storm last night. It was glorious.

I woke up to thunder and wind making all sorts of racket, and rolled over towards the window to watch the show. The movement – both mine and the fact the window blinds were bumping – disturbed Chaucer, who had been snuggled next to me. He left the bed when I pawed for my phone to check the time. Then the power flickered off and back on, turning on the galaxy light, which woke Shawshank, so he got up. I tried to get everyone back into bed and quiet as quickly as possible, I just wanted to enjoy the storm.

I slid my sleep mask up somewhat, turned the volume down in my headphones, and counted the seconds between flash and crash. My last thoughts before sleep took over were along the lines of if he makes it quiet in here, I’ll go out to the living room and sleep on the tick-infested yard blanket.

Pre-sale, pre-sunburn.

Shawshank has a 3-day weekend in this week’s schedule, so we’re mixing up the routine a little. We went shopping on Friday, then had the yard sale yesterday. I think we ended up making about $100 total. I collapsed my rack and hung all the pants in the front closet. Shawshank went over to Shady Acres to help deal with some yard sale stuff.

Once he came back and we’d settled down, I took an afternoon nap while Shawshank watched “Jurassic World“, falling asleep as the action started and waking up just in time to watch the climax. Honestly, I think that’s the best way to watch that one.* I played “Monster Hunter” in the afternoon, and Shawshank made us some delicious burgers and fries for dinner. And because we were both hot and tired (and I was sunburned), we went out for ice cream after dinner for a treat. At the end of the day, we opted to go to bed early, mentally exhausted from the extra socializing.

Due to all the kerfuffle over the last couple of days, we’re skipping out on dinner at Shady Acres today. Instead, we’re going out to our local place for a father’s day dinner, then not leaving the house for more than 24 hours.

* The best way to enjoy the subsequent films in the franchise is to not start them.


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