Good morning, world. I’m awake. Chaucer has been particularly deaf today, and spent much of the morning yelling until we left the bed.
Shawshank worked yesterday morning, and I played video games. Pippin was in ultra snuggly baby mode, and followed me around the house while I got dressed. I played Just Dance for a bit, maybe about 8 or 10 songs worth. At one point, Pippin joined me for a song- I picked her up to foil her attempts to trip me. I think I did pretty well, all things considered.

I played Divinity: Original Sin 2 until late in the afternoon. I opened some more of the map, killed some bad guys, and died several times. The game never feels like it’s progressing, until it suddenly does. Shawshank made us some yummy chicken sandwiches for dinner, then I soaked in the tub for a while. We watched TV for the rest of the night. Neither of us had the attention span for anything with a plot.
Today is a typical Sunday. He’ll make us brunch, and I’ll put on real clothing. We’re going out to Shady Acres for a birthday dinner later. Mostly, we’re gonna stay warm, because it’s cold out there.