

Good morning, Monday people. The fog is back and blanketing TinyTown. I kinda miss being able to sit on the steps to smoke a bowl while the sun comes up. I can’t control the weather (yet- I’m working on it) and it looks like we’re in for a dreary week. Not so dreary, as there’s some super fun NY civil trial on the TV that’s got my schadenfreude up this morning.

The weekend is going smoothly. We did the laundry. I played Skyrim after lunch, and I opened up a TikTok stream. Shawshank grabbed the laptop and watched the stream’s chatroom so I didn’t miss anything. The foot guys were back. I made $1.40ish. We had a blast fucking with people.

Later in the afternoon, we headed out to Shady Acres. Shawshank‘s mom put us to work as soon as we entered the house. She’s been preserving this year’s apple crop for the last couple of weeks, and couldn’t handle prepping any more of them yesterday. Shawshank ran the apples through the peeler machine, and I cut the apple spirals into smaller bits for another batch of apple butter. We went home with four jars of a previous batch. There’s plenty more, along with pies in the freezer and plastic tubs of dehydrated slices.

I bleached my hair when we came home. Just the roots, because the rest of it is utterly fried and I knew bleaching the rest would break half of my hair and it already looks rough enough as it is. I didn’t need to do more than that anyway. There’s only two color choices in the closet, red and pink, and both colors will cover what’s on my head already.

Today is Sloth Day. I’m going to assume a human form and Shawshank will make brunch in a little while.


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