say no more

say no more

Oh, Monday. It’s you again. There’s coffee, if you want it, fix it yourself. I didn’t hear Shawshank‘s alarm or feel him kiss me as he left. I woke up to the aurora light and thought we’d left them on all night. Unfortunately, I woke up only about 8 minutes after he’d left, and knew deep in my gut I was not going back to sleep.

I didn’t do anything yesterday. The most effort I put out was helping to bring a dresser up and out of Shady Acres’ basement. I spent a couple of hours going through my stuff stored in the cloud, and deleted about 8000 images. I’d guess that roughly half are memes. There’s a lot of gifs of me spinning poi. I’m still going through shit. I wish I could just SELECT ALL ➡ DELETE, but I absolutely can not do that. I’m well aware of just how low the chances are that I’ll ever go through the random photos from 2015, but if there’s a chance I might find something special, I want to save it. Instead, I’m going through each of Google Photos suggested albums and deleting almost everything.

Shawshank is working a week of opening shifts this week. I don’t have too much on my list of things to accomplish this week. I need to make waffles, and of course there’s the mostly-weekly smut. I’m still waiting on some sewing elastic, which should be here on Wednesday. I can (and should) work on picking out fabrics and cutting cuffs and waistbands. The more I have ready, the quicker I can finish all the pants before the supplies arrive.

Oh well. Time to refill my coffee mug and start doing the things.


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