Saturday shit

Saturday shit

Hello, world. We’re up. Prepare yourself. The sun’s out, but IT’S A LIE.

It’s not warm out there. There’s ice.

I didn’t work on pants yesterday. I should have, but I was in a ✨mood✨. And that mood required movement. Instead of sitting on the floor, buried in fabric, I played a bunch of Just Dance. The addition of the 2023 release is almost overwhelming to me. Now that I’ve had the game for a couple of months, I’ve gotten pretty comfortable with the 2024 base. Unfortunately, it’s also made me reluctant to start the new-to-me ’23 content. I remember how discouraging the first week or so was. I’m caught between picking something I’m good at, with a chance to hit a new high score, or a song I’ve never heard before, punctuated with awkward controller flailing.

I didn’t stream it, but I also enjoyed some spin time. I spun poi and played with the wand for a bit. Looking at some of the videos I recorded, I’m much better than I was at keeping it going. As I learn to be more comfortable with the new wand, I’m also trying to using my non-dominant hand more. That’s way harder, to be honest. My brain is confused.

Today starts the weekend. As usual, we’ll make the drive out to Slightly BiggerTown for some basics. Shawshank can pick up anything else we need at work during the week.


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