My chest is doing that thing where it’s hoarding all the congestion. I like to imagine there’s a bronchial-goblin sitting in a tube singing a disgusting ditty like “every little phlegm is sacred”. I don’t suggest you imagine it.
We watched some TV yesterday, mostly relaxing. I opened up my pattern to give it a good look and read through the directions. It’s been a very long time since I’ve used a real pattern, as the things I normally sew don’t have a real pattern. Both versions of my pants use the same giant, rectangular piece of cardboard as a guide. Making something that uses more than two main pieces of fabric is going to be new.
From poking around online, I already know I’ll have to resize shit to fit my fat ass. I’ll have to cut the pieces, trace them onto something else with adjustments, and go on from there.
Today is going to be a regular Sunday. I’m going to be human. Later, we’re going out to Shady Acres. How exciting.