Resting Bitch Body

Resting Bitch Body

Good morning, Sunday people. I’m awake, I’m already dressed, my face is washed, and I have some coffee. I don’t know why I’m already slightly productive, considering I only crawled out of bed 20 minutes ago. Normally all that stuff (except coffee) usually is an hour or so after my emergence.

I was ridiculously burnt out yesterday. Lately, I sleep ok, but I just don’t feel rested, and I was mentally exhausted all day. It sucked. I couldn’t focus, and I didn’t want to do much.

I mean, it wasn’t a bad day. We went to a hardware store that was less hardware and more “narrow aisles with a little of everything crammed into half the space it should have taken”. It had a lot of useful stuff, and a lot of stuff that I just left on the shelf because OMG.

We also went to Walmart to grab some food basics for the week, and some sausages for dinner. I bought myself my weekly food treat – couple of Cherry Cokes. Hooray for carbonated caffeine.

And since it was another gorgeous night, I headed outside after dinner for some spin time. I had asked for suggestions on what to spin to, and a Tiktok friends suggested Knife Party’s “Centipede“, which I’d never heard. I had a fucking blast with it.

I ended up super sweaty by the time I finally went back inside. It was nice, until I was chased around by an enormous carpenter bee.

We’re going to Brian’s parents today for barbeque. Mom promised me that his father makes good ribs, but I’m really hoping there’s something like burgers there as well. When it comes to meat, ribs are pretty close to the bottom of the list of animal products I want to eat.

Let’s get human. Have a good day, y’all.


  1. John H

    Love the pics Crystal, lol – your spinning is super cool to watch too. 😎👍👍

    • crystal

      Those chickens were awesome 😍

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