Red Fish

Good morning, my lovelies. 🤗

We spent yesterday walking around one of the local malls and doing the food shopping. I walked out with a pink lipstick and as stack of plastic plates that separate my food so it doesn’t touch. There was also a trip to buy a new trash bin, because home-ownership is exciting as fuck.

It was my turn to pick out dinner for the week. Last night, after longingly looking at it in the market, I had salmon for the first time in four years. The last time we’d had it kicked off my weight loss with a $3600 trip to the ER and a LOT of pain. Much like the way the smell of white wine triggers a visceral fear response in me, immediately taking me back to the time I drank way too much and blacked out after nearly falling off a cruise ship, I’ve been terrified to have my second favorite fish ever since. But, I wanted salmon burgers. They were delicious, and I made a great lemony-yogurt-dill sauce, chopped up the cooked burgers and made a salad of it all with some Brussels sprouts.

Today, I’m going to do the workout I was supposed to do yesterday. Later, since it’s Sunday, I’ll also be setting up my journal for the upcoming week. We plan to watch a movie after lunch, and we’ll finish up a couple of Netflix series we’re watching.

It’ll be a good end to the weekend, I think.


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