proper shi(r)t

Rise and shine, mofos. We have a sunny TinyTown morning. Yes, that’s right, yesterday’s clouds moved out overnight, leaving us with clear skies and mare’s tail clouds. And it’s warm. It feels like it was only a couple of weeks ago when I was bundled under sweaters and hoodies., and now I’m comfortable.

We enjoyed our Monday brunch and sloth. Shawshank played a lot of Tears of The Kingdom. I only took one “shift” of playtime, around the time he was making brunch for us. Instead, I spent much of the day experimenting with yet another sheet-shirt. After I gave up the controller in the afternoon, I cut, ripped, pinned and assembled everything, while he played. I even gave up my second turn with the controller and let him play all day.

This time around, I cobbled together a pattern based on someone else’s. I’m pleased to announce that it actually looks like a proper shirt, even though I still need to run some elastic or cord into its edges so it fits correctly. I think it took me at least 5 hours, which I think is ridiculous for something smaller than a pillowcase. For fuck’s sake, I can almost finish pants in under two hours. However, my pants are made from two giant pieces of fabric with simple lines, compared to the shirt’s four small bits. And sleeves.


I’ll figure this shit out eventually.

Shawshank returns to work this morning. I think he’s doing yard work. I’m going to take a shower and condition my hair, and I have to clean up the rest of the mess I made yesterday. Maybe I’ll make it outside for a little bit of spin time.


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